Yu, Sufang

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YU Sufang, M.D., Ph.D.


Prevention Medicine




Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Shandong University West

Campus, 44 Wenhua Xi Road, Jinan 250012, Shandong, P.R. China

Phone, fax & email:

Phone:+86-0531-88382137;+86-13864091028; Fax:+86-0531-88382553;Email:sufangyu@sdu.edu.cn.

Medical Education

2003–2006 Ph.D.in Physiology, Shandong University, Jinan, P. R. China.

1997–1999 M.D. in Environmental Health,ShandongMedical University, Jinan, P. R. China.

1980–1985 B.S. in Prevention Medicine, Shandong Medical University, Jinan, P. R. China.

Professional Experience

2006- now Professor,Shandong University

2000-2006 Associate Professor,Shandong University

1999-2000 Associate Professor,ShandongMedicalUniversity

1992-1999 Lectuer,ShandongMedicalUniversity

1985-1991 Assistant, ShandongMedicalUniversity

As ateacher,Iengagedin teaching Five courses,Occupational Health and Occupational Medicine,Preventive Medicine, Health Bebavior, Health Education andEnvironmental eugenics in Shandong University. As a program leaderor major project participants, I have been working withseveral theNational Natural Science Funds, National Basic Research Priorities (973) program, and theShandong Natural Science Funds.

List ofArticals in English (recent years)

1 Yu S, Zhao X, Zhang T, Yu L, Li S, Cui N, Han X, Xie K. Acrylamide-induced Changes in the Neurofilament Protein of Rat Cerebrum Fractions. Neurochemical Research. 2005;30(9):1079-1085.

2 Wang Q, Zhang C, Zhao X,Yu S,Xie K. Allyl chloride-induced time dependent changes of lipid peroxidation in rat nerve tissue. Neurochemical Research. 2005;30(11):1387-1395.

3 Zhang TL, Han XY, Zhao XL,Yu SF, Xie KQ. 2,5-hexanedione induced reduction in prote in content and mRNA expression of neurofilament in rat cerebral cortex.Environmental Toxicology andPharmacology.2005;20(1):92-98.

4 Yu S, Song F, Yu J, Zhao X, Yu L, Li G, Xie K. Acrylamide Alters Cytoskeletal Protein level in Rat Sciatic Nerves.Neurochemical Research. 2006; 31(10):1197-1204.

5 Song F,Yu S, Zhao X, Zhang C, Xie K. Carbon disulfide-induced changes in cytoskeleton protein content of rat cerebral cortex. Neurochemical Research. 2006;31(1):71-79.

6 Yi C,Xie K,Song F,Yu L,Zhao X, Li G,Yu S.The Changes of Cytoskeletal Proteins in Plasma of Acrylamide-induced Rats.Neurochemical Research. 2006;31(9):751-757.

7 Li S, Cui N,Zhang C,Zhao X, Yu S , Xie K. Effect of subchronic exposure to acrylamide induced on the expression of bcl-2, bax and caspase-3 in the rat nervous system. Toxicology. 2006;217(1):46-53.

8 Wang Q, Zhang C, Zhao X, Yu S, Xie K. Malondialdehyde and catalase as the serum biomarkers of allyl chloride-induced toxic neuropathy. Toxicology. 2006; 227(1-2):36-44.

9 Zhao X, Zhang T, Zhang C, Han X,Yu S, Yu L, Cui N, Xie K. Expression changes of neurofilament subunits in the central nervous system of hens treated with tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate (TOCP).Toxicology. 2006;223(1-2):127-135.

10 Song F,Yu S, Zhang C, Zhou G, Wang Q, Xie K. The reversibility of neurofilaments decline induced by 2,5-hexanedione in rat nerve tissues.Biochem Pharmacol. 2008;75(3):737-744.

11 Song F, Zhang C,Yu S, Zhao X, Yu L, Xie K. Time-dependent alteration of cytoskeletal proteins in cerebral cortex of rat during 2,5-hexanedione-induced neuropathy.Neurochem Res. 2007;32(8):1407-1414.

12 Wang Qingshan,Yu Sufang,Zhao Xiulan, Hu Liyan, Xie Keqin.Expression changes of apoptotic-related proteins in nerve tissues of rats treated with allyl chloride.Toxicology.2007; 231:58-67.

13 Fuyong Son,Sufang Yu, Xiulan Zhao, Qingshan Wang, Keqin Xie. The reversibility of neurofilaments decline induced by 2,5-hexanedione in rat nerve tissues. Biochemical Pharmacology.2008;75(3):737-44.

14 Wang Qingshan, Hou Liyan, Zhang Chunling, Zhao Xiulan,Yu Sufang, Xie Keqin. 2,5-hexanedione (HD) treatment alters calmodulin, Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, and protein kinase C in rats' nerve tissues. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2008;232(1):66-68.

15 Sufang Yu, Fuying Song, Chao Yi, Xiwei Yang, Guozhen Li, Cuili Zhang, Xiulan Zhao, and Keqin Xie.Acrylamide Alters Cytoskeletal Protein Level in Rat Serum. Biomed Environ 2013; 26(11): 926-929.

16 Xiaomin Wei, Meng E.,Sufang Yu (Corresponding author). A Meta-Analysis of Passive Smoking and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.2015;107(1):9-14.

17 Xiaomin Wei , Fengfeng Yan1, Meng E, , Cuili Zhang1, Guozhen Li, , Xiwei Yang, Fengmei Zhang, Shue Wang,Sufang Yu(Corresponding author). Neuroprotective effect of calpeptin on acrylamide-induced neuropathy in rats. Neurochem Res 2015, 40(11):2325-2332

18 Sufang YU, Xiaomin WEI, Fengfeng YAN, Shue WANG, Cuili ZHANG, and Xiwei YANG. The Role of NF mRNA and Calpain in NF Reduction of Acrylamide Neuropathy. Biomed Environ 2015; 28(5): 70-73

19 Meng E,Sufang YU (Corresponding author); Dou,Jianrui Association between alcohol consumption and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a meta-analysis of five observational studies.Neurological Sciences.2016;37(8):1203-1208.

20 Wang M, Yu J, Liu N, Liu Z, Wei X, Yan F,Sufang YU(Corresponding author). Low back pain among taxi drivers: a cross-sectional study. Occupational Medicine,2017;67:290-295.

21 Qiangdong Guan, Benyu Su, Xiaomin Wei, Shue Wang, Miaomiao Wang, Ning Liu, Wenchong Jiang, Mengmeng Xu, Sufang Yu(Corresponding author). Protective effect of calpeptin on acrylamide-induced microtubule injury in sciatic nerve. Toxicology,2018;409(1):103-111

22 Benyu Su, Qiangdong Guan, Miaomiao Wang, Ning Liu, Xiaomin Wei, Shue Wang, Xiwei Yang, Wenchong Jiang, Mengmeng Xu,Sufang Yu (Corresponding author), Calpeptin is neuroprotective against acrylamide-induced neuropathy in rats. Toxicology, 2018;400–401:2-8

23 Benyu Su, Qiangdong Guan, Sufang Yu(Corresponding author), The neurotoxicity of nanoparticles: A bibliometric analysis. Toxicology and Industrial Health,34(12): 922-929.

24 Benyu Su, Wen Qin, Feng Xue, Xiaomin Wei, Qiangdong Guan, Wenchong Jiang, Shue Wang, Mengmeng Xu,Sufang Yu(Corresponding author), The relation of passive smoking with cervical cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine,2018;97(46):1-7

25 Qiangdong Guan, Xiaomin Wei, Shue Wang, Benyu Su, Sufang Yu(Corresponding author), The effect of flavonoids on chronic prostatitis: a meta-analysis of published randomized controlled trials. Journal of the National Medical Association(accepted 25 April 2019 , S0027-9684(19)30011-2)

List ofBooks(since 2000)

1. Associate editor.HealthEducation and Health Promotion. July, 2000; Chongqing, Science Technology Literature Press.

2. Author. Community general practitioner textbook – Community HealthCare. November, 2002;Beijing, People’s Health PublishingHouse.

3. Boardof edition. University textbook –Test on Clinical andOccupational Health. July, 2006;Beijing, People’s Medical PublishingHouse.

4. Boardof edition. University textbook –Occupational Health andOccupational Medicine (second edition). September ,2007; Beijing, Peking Union Medical Colledge Press.

5. Boardof edition. University textbook –Occupational Health andOccupational Medicine (seventh edition). September ,2012; Beijing, People’s Health PublishingHouse..

6. Boardof edition. UniversityBilingual textbook –Occupational Health andOccupational Medicine(third edition). September ,2013; Beijing, Peking Union Medical Colledge Press.

7. Boardof edition. University textbook –Occupational Health andOccupational Medicine (thiord edition). September ,2015; Beijing, Peking Union Medical Colledge Press.

8. Boardof edition. University textbook –Occupational Health andOccupational Medicine (eighth edition). September ,2017; Beijing, People’s Health PublishingHouse.

9. Associate editor. Training Textbooks for Health Family Planning Supervisors--Subvolume of Occupational Health Supervision.September ,2018; Beijing, People’s Health PublishingHouse.

10. Boardof edition.Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine--Occupational Health and Occupational Medicine,Januray,2019; Beijing, People’s Health PublishingHouse.

Research Programs (Since2000)

1. Hazard ofTwoKinds ofHairdressingLotions-financially supported by a grant from the Department of Health of Shandong Province(1998-2000), programleader.

2. TheEffect of Cr(Ⅵ) onTheExpression of Oncogene inHumanEmbryoLungCell- financially supported by Shandong Health Office Fund (1999-2002), programleader.

3. Combined Effects of Lead and Ethanol on Male Reproductive Functions- financially supported by Ministry ofFamily PlanFund(1999-2001), co-responsible.

4. The Molecular Mechanism of Occupational Lung Cancer Induced by Chromate and The Antagonistic Effects of Green Tea- financially supported by Shandong Natural Science Fund (2001-2004), programleader.

5. The Basic Research on The Injury to Organism Induced by Environmental Chemical Contaminant andthe Defense–financially supported by the National Basic Research Priorities (973) Programme (2002-2007), main investigator.

6. Mechanism of Reproductive Incretion Disorder and Modulation Induced by Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Chemical- financially supported by the National Basic Research Priorities (973) Programme (2002-2007),participants.

7. TheResearch onTheMechanism ofDegenerativeCytoskeletal Protein of Poisoning in Peripheral Nervous Axone –financially supported by National Natural Science Fund (2003-2005), main investigator.

8. The Effect Characteristics of Neurofilamen Protein in Acrylamide-Induced Neuropathy and Its Mechanism--financially supported by National Natural Science Fund (2009-2011), main investigator.

9. Mechanism of Acrylamide- Induced Neuropathy and Experimental Treatment –financially supported by the Ministry of Education Fund(2004-2007), main investigator.

10. Study on Biological Markers of Acrylamide Neurotoxicity--- financially supported byShandong Natural Science Fund (2012-2014), program leader.

11. Basic Occupational Health Education–financially supported byNational Health and Family Planning Commission (2014-2015), programleader.

12. Basic Occupational Health Education– financially supported by National Health and Family Planning Commission (2014-2015),programleader.

13. Protective Effect of Calpain Inhibitor on Acrylamide Neuropathy and Its Mechanism–financially supported by the Ministry of Education Fund(20014-20017), programleader.

Other Professional Activities

Member of professional society: NationalSocietyofOccupational Health and Occupational Medicine;NationalSocietyofEnvironmental Mutation; ShandongSocietyof Occupational Safety Prevention.

Board Memberof professional society: ShandongSocietyof Occupational Health Law.

Reviewer for journals: Journal of Peking University;Journal of Ecotoxicology;Chinese Occupational Medicine;Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine;Biomedicine and Environmental Science;PreventiveMedicineTribune;ChineseJournal of Birth Health & Heredity; Literature and Information on Preventive Medicine; et al.

Reviewer for grant applications: National Natural Science Fund, Shandong Natural Science Fund.

Consultation expert:Shandong Province Bureau of Public Health; Jinan Board of Public Health

School of Public Health, Shandong University   44 West Wenhua Road, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250012, China