
Author: Time:2019-10-10 ClickTimes:

Lei Du, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health

Shandong University

No.44 Wen Hua Xi Road, Jinan, Shandong, P.R. China, 250012

Tel: +531-8838-2135

E-mail: dulei@sdu.edu.cn




2005-2009           B.S. (Food Science)           Dalian Ocean University, China

2009-2012           M.S.(Food Science)           Ocean University of China, China

2012-2016           Ph.D.(Fisheries Science)       Hokkaido University, Japan


POSITIONS AND EMPLOYMENT                                        


2016-2017         Postdoctoral Associate, Hokkaido University, Japan

2017-Present     Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Shandong University




2014    Member, Japan Oil Chemists’ Society (JOCS)

2015    Member, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science (JSFS)

2017    Member, Chinese Nutrition Society

2017    Committee member, Sports Nutrition Specialized Committee, Shandong

Nutrition Society

2018    Committee member, Shandong Nutrition Society


RESEARCH FIELD                                                       


I am focusing on the marine functional lipids (such as cerebrosides and phospholipids) for prevention of nutrition-related diseases, such as cancer, canxer-associated cachexia, and neurodegenerative diseases. And I am also interested in the molecular mechanisms in pathogenesis of those diseases.



RESEARCH GRANT                                                  


09/01/2017-12/31/2019 The Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University

Grant title: Anti-neuroinflammatory effect of DHA-enriched phospholipids in vitro and in vivo.


05/01/2018-04/30/2020 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project

Grant title: The effects of DHA or EPA-enriched phosphatidylcholine on LPS-induced microglial activation


SELECTED PUBLICATIONS                                                    


1. Lei Du, Yu-Hong Yang, Jie Xu, Yu-Ming Wang, Chang-Hu Xue, Hideyuki Kurihara, Koretaro Takahashi. Transport and uptake effects of marine complex lipid liposomes in small intestinal epithelial cell models. Food & Function, 2016,7, 1904-1914.

2. Lei Du, Yu-Hong Yang, Yu-Ming Wang, Chang-Hu Xue, Hideyuki Kurihara, Koretaro Takahashi. Antitumour activity of EPA-enriched phospholipids liposomes against S180 ascitic tumour-bearing mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 2015, 19, 970-982.

3. Lei Du, Yu-Hong Yang, Yu-Ming Wang, Chang-Hu Xue, Hideyuki Kurihara, Koretaro Takahashi. EPA-enriched phospholipids ameliorates cancer-associated cachexia mainly via inhibiting lipolysis. Food & Function, 2015, 6, 3652-3662.

4. Lei Du, Jie Xu, Yong Xue, Koretaro Takahashi, Chang-Hu Xue, Jing-Feng Wang, Yu-Ming Wang. Cerebrosides from sea cucumber ameliorates cancer-associated cachexia in mice by attenuating adipose atrophy. Journal of Functional Foods, 2015,17, 352-363.

5. Lei Du, Zhao-Jie Li, Jie Xu, Jing-Feng Wang, Yong Xue, Chang-Hu Xue, Koretaro Takahashi, Yu-Ming Wang. The anti-tumor activities of cerebrosides derived from sea cucumber Acaudina molpadioides and starfish Asterias amurensis in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Oleo Science, 2012, 61 (6), 321-330.




1. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Oil Chemists` Society, Nara, Japan, September, 2016 (oral presentation)

2. The 2016 meeting of the Japanese Society of Food Science and Technology, Hokkaido branch, Ebetsu, Japan, February, 2016 (oral presentation)

3. The 2015 Autumn Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Sendai, Japan, September, 2015 (oral presentation)

4. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Oil Chemists` Society, Nagoya, Japan, September, 2015 (oral presentation)

5. The 2015 Spring Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Tokyo, Japan, March, 2015 (oral presentation)

6. The 2015 meeting of the Japanese Society of Food Science and Technology, Hokkaido branchHakodate, Japan, February, 2015 (oral presentation)

7. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Oil Chemists` Society, Sapporo, Japan, September, 2014 (oral presentation)

School of Public Health, Shandong University   44 West Wenhua Road, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250012, China