Name |
Zhang Cuili |
Date of Birth |
July 5, 1978 |
Nationality |
P.R. China |
Marital Status |
Married |
Telephone |
+86-531-8838 2132 (Office) |
+86-156 9231 0964 (Cell) |
E-mail |; |

Research Exerience
December 2014-December 2017, The effect and intervention study of PI3K-AKT signal pathway in hepatocarcinoma induced by nitrosodiethylamine (2014ZRE27115), Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (General Program).
January 2012-December 2014, The effect of ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation in CYP2E1 decrease in nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinoma (2012TS090), Independent innovation fund of Shandong University
January 2010- December 2012, Protective effects and mechanisms of garlic oil on hepatocarcinoma induced by nitrosodiethylamine, Innovation Fund for Young Scholar of Public Health School, Shandong University.
June 2009-December 2011, Health Supervision- Development and application of genetic damage biological monitoring index (200902006), Special for Health Industry(sub-project), Ministry of Health.
Research Interests
· Mechanisms and intervention research of liver injury, liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
· Food safety and food toxicology
Degree-Granting Education
September 2008-June 2012, M.D. in Toxicology, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Dissertation: Protective effects and mechanisms of garlic oil on hepatocarcinoma induced by nitrosodiethylamine. Advisor: Xie keqin M.D, Ph.D.
September 2001-June 2004, M.M. in Toxicology, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Thesis: The effect of allyl chloride on g protein signal transduction system in nerve tissues and primary-cultured cerebrum cells of rats. Advisor: Xie keqin M.D, Ph.D.
September 1996-June 2001, M.B. Preventive Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Professional Experience
September 2006-present, Assistant professor, School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan, China
July 2004-August 2006, Teaching assistant, School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Honors and Awards
2019, Zhang Cuili, Yue Min, Cao Wen, Xiong Ruogu, Chen Fangzhou, Tang Haoqing, Zhao Xiulan. Application of Anemone roxburghii Extract in the Preparation of Drugs for Preventing/Treating Acute Liver Injury Induced by D-Galactosamine in Mice. Patent No. 201910248781.9, China, Patent. No.2018, Zhang Cuili, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiulan, Yu Lihua, Xie Keqin. Inhibitory effect of AKT inhibitor on experimental rat hepatocellular carcinoma. Patent No. 201811391673.9, China, Patent.
2018, Yu Sufang, Wei Xiaomei, Zhang Cuili, Wang Shu'e, Yang Xiwei, Su Benyu, Guan Qiangdong, Protective Effect and Mechanism of Calpain Inhibitor on Acrylamide Neuropathy, Shandong Medical Science and Technology Award Committee, Scientific and Technological Innovation Award, Third Prize.
2012, Zhang Cuili, Excellent young Scholars (First prize), Society of Toxicology, Shandong Province.
2011, Xie Keqin; Zeng Tao; Zhang Cuili; Zhao Xiulan; Yu Lihua; Song Fuyong, garlic oil in the preparation of Anti-Acute alcoholic fatty liver drugs, ZL200810138307.2 China (patent)
2011, Xie Keqin, Zhao Xiulan, Song Fuyong, Yu Sufang, Zhang Cuili, Zhang Tianliang, Wang Qingshan, Yu Lihua, Zhu Zhenping, Neurological Injury Induced by ECPs and Its Defense Mechanisms, Science and Technology Award of Shandong Province (Second Prize), People's Government of Shandong Province.
2010, Zeng Tao, Zhang Cuili, Fu Qiangqiang, Yu Lihua, Zhu Zhenping, Shandong province graduate student outstanding scientific and technological innovation achievement award (Second Prize) on the project “The protection of garlic oil against acute ethanol-induced liver injury and the underlying mechanisms exploration”.
Selected Publications (Since 2010-)
Journal Articles
1. Zhang Cui-Li, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, Garlic Oil Suppressed Nitrosodiethylamine-Induced Hepatocarcinoma in Rats by Inhibiting PI3K-AKT -NF-κB Pathway. Int. J. Biol. Sci., 11(6):643-651, 2015. (IF=4.509)
2. Zhang Cui-Li, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, Garlic Oil Attenuated Nitrosodiethylamine-Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis by Modulating the Metabolic Activation and Detoxification Enzymes, Int. J. Biol. Sci., 9(3), 237-245, 2013. (IF=4.372)
3. Zhang Cui-Li, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Yu Li-Hua, Zhu Zhen-Ping, Xie Ke-Qin*, Protective Effects of Garlic Oil on Hepatocarcinoma Induced by N-Nitrosodiethylamine in Rats, Int. J. Biol. Sci., 8(3), 363-374, 2012. (IF=3.168)
4. Zhang Cui-Li, Zeng Tao, Wang Qing-Shan, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Song Fu-Yong, Xie Ke-Qin*, Protective Effects of Garlic Oil given at different time against acute liver injury induced by CCl4. Chin J Ind Hyg Occup Dis, 28(3), 190-194, 2010.
5. Zhang Cui-Li, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Song Fu-Yong, Xie Ke-Qin*, The combination effect of garlic oil and cisplatin on human ovarian cancer SKOV3 cell growth inhibition, Journal of Toxicology (Chinese), 24(2), 116-119, 2010.
6. Zeng Tao *, Zhang Cui-Li, Zhao Ning, Guan Min-Jie, Xiao Mo, Yang Rui, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Yu Li-Hua, Zhu Zhen-Ping, Xie Ke-Qin*, Impairment of Akt activity by CYP2E1 mediated oxidative stress is involved in chronic ethanol-induced fatty liver, Redox Biology, 2018, 14: 295-304.
7. Zeng Tao*, Zhang Cui-Li, Xiao Mo, Yang Rui, Xie Ke-Qin*, Critical roles of Kupffer cells in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease: from basic science to clinical trials, Frontiers in Immunology, 2016,7: 538.
8. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Song Fu-Yong, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, CMZ reversed chronic ethanol-induced disturbance of PPAR-α possibly by suppressing oxidative stress and PGC-1α acetylation, and activating the MAPK and GSK3β pathway. PLoS One. 9(6):e98658, 2014.
9. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, Pentoxifylline for the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a meta-analysis of randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 26(6):646-53, 2014.
10. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Song Fu-Yong, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, The activation of HO-1/Nrf-2 contributes to the protective effects of diallyl disulfide (DADS) against ethanol-induced oxidative stress, Biochim Biophys Acta, 1830(10),4848-4859, 2013.
11. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Han Xiao-Ying, Zhao Sheng, Xie Ke-Qin*, Association between CD14-159C>T polymorphisms and the risk for alcoholic liver disease: a meta-analysis, Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 25(10),1183-1189, 2013.
12. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, The roles of garlic on the lipid parameters: a systematic review of the literature, Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 53(3):215-230, 2013
13. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Song Fu-Yong, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, Garlic oil alleviated ethanol-induced fat accumulation via modulation of SREBP-1, PPAR-α, and CYP2E1, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50(3-4), 485-491, 2012.
14. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Song Fu-Yong, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Yu Li-Hua, Zhu Zhen-Ping, Xie Ke-Qin *, PI3K/Akt pathway activation was involved in acute ethanol-induced fatty liver in mice, Toxicology, 296(1-3), 56-66, 2012.
15. Zeng Tao, Guo Fang-Fang, Zhang Cui-Li, Song Fu-Yong, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, Roles of Cytochrome P4502E1 Gene Polymorphisms and the Risks of Alcoholic Liver Disease: A Meta-Analysis, PloS one, 8(1):e54188, 2013.
16. Zeng Tao, Li Yang, Zhang Cui-Li, Yu Li-Hua, Zhu Zhen-Ping, Zhao Xiu-Lan*, Xie Ke-Qin*, Garlic oil suppressed the hematological disorders induced by chemotherapy and radiotherapy in tumor-bearing mice. J Food Sci, 78 (6): H936-942, 2013.
17. Wang Qing-Shan, Song Fu-Yong, Zhang Cui-Li, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Yu Li-Hua, Zhu Zhen-Ping, Xie Ke-Qin*, Carboxyl- terminus of Hsc70 interacting protein mediates 2,5-hexanedione-induced neurofilament medium chain degradation, Biochemical Pharmacology, 81(6), 793-799, 2011.
Conference Articles
1. Zhang Cui-Li, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, Inhibition of Human HepG2 Cells against oxidative stress and inducing apoptosis by garlic oil. The XIII International Congress of Toxicology, Seoul, June 30-July 4, 2013, poster.
2. Zhang Cui-Li, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Song Fu-Yong, Xie Ke-Qin*, The effect of PI3K-AKT-NF-κB Pathway in the prevention nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinoma by garlic oil. The 6th National Toxicology conference of the Chinese Society of Toxicology,Guang Zhou, November 12-15, 2013, Conference report.
3. Zhang Cui-Li, Zuo Ya-Fan, Zeng Tao, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, The inhibitory effect of garlic oil on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. Shandong Province Pharmacology and Toxicology Academic Conference,Taian,August 24-26, 2012, Selected platform speaker.
4. Zeng Tao, Zhang Cui-Li, Song Fu-Yong, Zhao Xiu-Lan, Xie Ke-Qin*, DADS effectively attenuated ethanol-induced injury in normal human LO2 cells and in acute ethanol-intoxicated mice by activating hemeoxygenase 1,The XIII International Congress of Toxicology, Seoul, June 30-July 4, 2013, poster.