
Author: Time:2019-10-10 ClickTimes:

                                                   Curriculum Vitae

Zhang Shixiu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Nutrition and Food Hygiene

School of Public Health

Shandong University

Jinan 250012, P. R. China

Mobile: 18678785565

Email: amyzhangsx@sdu.edu.cn

Education Background

v       Sep.2006~June.2010  Get Ph.D. from Fudan University School of Public Health, Major in Nutrition and Food Hygiene;

v       Aug.2008~Aug.2009 University of Minnesota Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, visiting student in Food Flavor Chemistry;

v       Sep.2003~Jul.2006 Get Master from Qilu University of Technology College of Food and Biological Engineering, Major in Fermentation Engineering;

v       Sep.1999~Jul.2003 Get Bachelor from Shandong Normal University College of Life Science, Major in Food Science and Engineering, Minor in Biology Education.

Employment and Services

v       July.2010~present  Shandong University, School of Public Health, Dept. of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Assistant Professor.

v       2018~2022 Director and Secretary General of the Shandong Nutrition Society

v       2010.09~2015.07 & 2017.07~ Department Teaching Secretary

v       2010.09~2013.01 Department Research Secretary

v       2010.09~2013.07 Department Asset Manager and Safety Officer

v       2013~2017 Director of the Shandong Nutrition Society

v       2014~2018 Member of the Permanent Committee in Shandong Nutrition Society for Maternal and Child nutrition Specialized Committee

v       2017~2021 Committee member in Shandong Nutrition Society for the Elderly Nutrition Specialized Committee


v       2018  Third Prize of School of Public Health Teaching Competition,  Exellent Staff of School of Public Health, Shandong University

v       2017  Second Prize of Shandong University Teaching Competition,  Exellent Staff of School of Public Health, Shandong University

v       2014    One undergraduate who did the dissertation under my supervision got Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award of Shandong Province (No.X2014040)

v       2010    Excellence Thesis Award From The 1 2th Graduate Communication Conference of Shanghai Nutrition Society

v       2008~2009  Grant of China Scholarship Council

v       2003~2004  First Class Scholarship of Qilu University of Technology

v       2002~2003  Young Communist of Excellence

v       2001~2002  Young Communist of Excellence

v       2000~2001  Second Class Scholarship of Shandong Teachers’ University; Excellent Class Cadre;


v       Jan. 2019~Oct.2020 Get Founding from “China Nutrition Society”, 280000 RMB, “Dietary Cholesterol Intervention Study Based On SREBF1-Gene Background”.

v       Sep.2011~Sep.2014 Get Founding from “Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province”, ZR2011HQ015, 60000 RMB, “A Preliminary Study in Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1 Gene’s Dietary Predisposition in School Aged Children”.

v       Oct.2010~Oct.2013 Get Founding from Independent Innovation Foundation of Shandong University, IIFSDU”, 2010GN047, 60000 RMB, “Genes that Regulate Adipocyte Differentiation, Dietary Factors and their interaction on Children’s obesity”.

Other Project Experience

v       2015.01~2018.12 Participated in “National Natural Science Foundation of China”, 81473004, 650000 RMB, The molecular mechanical study on the inhibitive role of PPAR-alpha in alcoholic fatty liver based on MAPK pathway.

v       Sep.2006~June.2010 PHD Program in “Interaction of Lipoprotein Lipase Polymorphism and Diet in the control of Metabolic Syndrome”. Lab work including physical and biochemical analysis, gene polymorphism analysis and data analysis; Field work including nutritional education and investigation.

v       Aug.2008~Aug.2009 Training in “Flavor Analysis on Anti-hypertension Soy Peptide”. Conducted gas chromatographic-olfactory and mass spectrometric studies to identify compounds that contribute to off-aromas of this product.

v       Sep.2003~Jul.2006 Master Program in “Study on an Aroma Producing Yeast”. Specified the species, fermentation characters of the yeast, aroma components analysis and yeast application.


v       Zhang Shixiu, Lin Xinying, Lynn Henry, Xu Guifa, Li Jun, Zhao Changfeng, Li Mingmei. Dietary cholesterol interacts with SREBF1 to modulate obesity in Chinese children. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2017, 61(9) doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201700105. (Note that Molecular Nutrition & Food Research is among the top level journal)

v       Xing-chang PAN, Yu-hong WU, Guo-ming LIShi-xiu ZHANG, Yan-rong LI, Hong-wei  GUO , Fang YANG, Fu-zhi LIAN, Mu-yi CAI. Modulation of Alcohol Metabolism by Corn Peptides in Healthy Young Males. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica. 2016; 38(5): 473-480

v       Zhang Shixiu, Ma Yiyi, Guo Hongwei, Wan Wentao, Xue Kun. Diet high in carbohydrate may not fit rs328 G carriers with metabolic syndrome patients. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2015; 24(3): 546-554.

v       Yuhong Wu, Xingchang Pan, Shixiu Zhang, Wenxian Wang, Muyi Cai, Yanrong Li, Fan Yang, and Hongwei Guo. Protective effect of corn peptides against alcoholic liver injury in men with chronic alcohol consumption: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. Lipids Health Dis. 2014; 13: 192.

v       李明媚, 张世秀, 蔺新英, 徐贵发, 赵长峰. INSIG2rs7566605多态性与学龄儿童肥胖的相关性研究. 营养学报. 2013; 35(4): 342-347.

v       赵长峰,于连龙,胡藩,王淑娥,刘岩,张世秀. 早餐营养干预模式对2型糖尿病的控制效果[J].中国保健营养,2014242):643-644.

v       陈垚,田艳梅,赵长峰,董芙蓉,綦翠华,张世秀,管爽,李明媚.中小学生常见饮品的消费行为及其影响因素分析[J].中国卫生事业管理,20135(总299期):382-384.

v       管爽,田艳梅,董芙蓉,綦翠华,张俊黎,张世秀,李心沁,赵长峰*.儿童青少年饮料摄入对体质指数的影响[J].中国公共卫生,2013294):557-559.

v       管爽,田艳梅,董芙蓉,綦翠华,张俊黎,张世秀,李心沁,赵长峰*.中小学生饮料相关知识、态度、行为的现况调查[J].中国儿童保健杂志,20122012):1083-1086.

v       ZHANG Shi-xiu, GUO Hong-wei, WAN Wen-tao, XUE Kun. Nutrition education guided by Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents on metabolic syndrome characteristics, adipokines and inflammatory markers. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2011;20 (1): 77-86

v       张世秀, 郭红卫, 万文涛等. 血清脂联素水平与代谢综合征组分的相关性研究[J]. 中华预防医学杂志. 2009, 43(6): 522-525.

v       万文涛, 郭红卫, 薛琨, 张世秀, 骆璇. 脂蛋白脂酶基因多态性与代谢综合征的膳食易感性研究[J].营养学报. 2009, 31(4): 325-329

v       张子良, 万文涛, 凌鼎锷, 张世秀, 张民庄, 郭红卫. 某社区代谢综合征人群膳食营养现状分析[J].环境与职业医学. 2009, 10

v       刘明, 郭红卫, 万文涛, 骆璇, 张世秀, 薛琨, 马易怡. PPAR-γ C161-T基因多态性对代谢综合征和膳食因素的影响[J]. 中华预防医学杂. 2008,7: 379-383.

v       刘明, 郭红卫, 万文涛, 张世秀, 薛琨. 过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γC161-T基因多态性与高脂血症的膳食易感性研究[J]. 营养学报. 2008,3: 276-280.

Experiences as an adviser

v       2019 Undergraduate thesis supervisor for 1 student

v       2018 Undergraduate thesis supervisor for 3 students

v       2016~2018 Head teacher for one undergraduate class.

v       2013 Undergraduate thesis supervisor for 3 students.

v       Spring 2011~Autumn 2014 Instructed one graduate student in her dissertation.

Teaching Experiences

v       Spring 2019 Teaching 6 class hours of Food Safety and Health and 12 class hours of Preventive Medicine, 10 class hours of Nutrition and Food Hygiene.

v       Spring 2018 Teaching 8 class hours of Nutrition for international medicine undergraduates in English, and 12 class hours of Food Safety and Health and 12 class hours of Preventive Medicine, 10 class hours of Nutrition and Food Hygiene.

v       Autumn 2017 Teaching 12 class hours of Food Safety and Health and 12 class hours of Preventive Medicine.

v       Spring 2017 Teaching 8 class hours of Nutrition and 4 class hours of Preventive Medicine for international medicine undergraduates in English, 8 class hours of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, 24 class hours of Preventive Medicine, 9 class hours of Hygiene, 56 class hours of experimental class in Nutrition and Food Hygiene.

v       Autumn 2016 Teaching 12 class hours of Hygiene.

v       Spring 2015 Teaching 14 class hours of Nutrition (I was the one who set up the course) and 4 class hours of Preventive Medicine for international medicine undergraduates in English, 30 class hours of Hygiene, 12 class hours of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, 40 class hours of experimental class in Nutrition and Food Hygiene.

v       Autumn 2014 Teaching 14 class hours of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, 9 class hours of Hygiene, 16 class hours of experimental class in Nutrition and Food Hygiene.

v       Spring 2014 Teaching 20 class hours of Preventive Medicine, and 4 class hours of Preventive Medicine in English for international medicine undergraduates in English.

v       Spring 2013 Teaching 22 class hours of Preventive Medicine, and 4 class hours of Preventive Medicine in English for international medicine undergraduates in English.

v       Autumn 2012 Teaching 16 class hours of Hygiene; 4 class hours of Preventive Medicine in English for international medicine undergraduates in English; 18 class hours of experimental class in Nutrition and Food Hygiene.

v       Spring 2012 Teaching 10 class hours of Preventive Medicine.

v       Autumn 2011 Teaching 10 class hours of Hygiene; 18 class hours of experimental class in Nutrition and Food Hygiene.

v       Autumn 2010 Teaching 36 class hours of experimental class in Nutrition and Food Hygiene.


School of Public Health, Shandong University   44 West Wenhua Road, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250012, China